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- 我院师生代表参加中国动物学会第十... 08.26
守护白腹海雕,建设生态文明 | ... 11.23
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- BSEE生态与进化论坛:脊椎动物... 11.28
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- BSEE生态与进化论坛16:春暖一定会花开吗?——全球暖化下的物候响应及其影响
- BSEE生态与进化论坛12:青藏高原地区两栖爬行动物多样性及进化研究
- BSEE生态与进化论坛10:序列演化异质性和系统发育树深度学习初探
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- BSEE生态与进化论坛5:The Ecological Dynamics of Hantavirus Disease in China: From Environme...
- BSEE生态与进化论坛4:爬行动物对气候变暖的响应格局与机制
- 爬行动物对温度变化的行为和生理响应
- BSEE生态与进化论坛3:基于基因共表达网络分析探究杜鹃花花色形成机制
- BSEE生态与进化论坛2:生态学研究热点与发展
- Zou, D., S. Tian, T. Zhang, N. Zhuoma, G. Wu, M. Wang, L. Dong, S. J. Rossiter,H. Zhao.*Vulture genomes reveal molecular adaptations underlying obliga...
- Zhu, B.R., Y. I. Verkuil, J. R. Conklin, A. Yang, W. Lei, J. A. Alves, C. J. Hassell, D. Dorofeev, Z. Zhang, and T. Piersma.Zhang, ZW.*Discovery of a ...
- Zhu, B.R., X.M. Li, D.Y. Zhang, W.J. Liao.*Effects of latitudinal variation on field and common garden comparisons between native and introduced groun...
- Zheng, J., J. Komdeur, T. Szekely, M. A. Versteegh, D. Li, H. Wang, Z. Zhang.*Males and females of a polygamous songbird respond differently to mating...
- Zhang, L., B. Yang, N. Cox.*Why are pandas so obsessed with horse manure?Science China-Life Sciences2021 64:492-493.
- Zhang, J., A. P. Moller, D. Yan, J. Li, W. Deng.*Egg rejection changes with seasonal variation in risk of cuckoo parasitism in Daurian redstarts, Phoe...