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Dingzhen Liu


Behavioral Ecology, Conservation Biology and Animal Welfare

Contact Info

Room 319, Eco-Building

Educational experience:

BS: Biology, Lanzhou University, 1988 MS: Zoology, Lanzhou University, 1991 PhD: Ecology, Beijing Normal University,1996


I mainly study the behavior and its mechanisms of chemical communication, its fitness and evolutionary meanings in mammals using behavioral observation and chemical analysis. I am also interested in other communicative modalities, such as auditory and visual communications and their interactions in mammals. My second interest is the animal welfare of captive wildlife. I use a noninvasive approach to evaluate the efficacy of environmental enrichment manipulations for captive animals at city zoos and wildlife parks aiming to improve their welfare. Last, I am also interested in conservation biology works concerning endanger species protection, captive breeding and reintroduction.

Selected Publication:

1. Penglai Fan, Xuecong Liu, Ruoshuang Liu, Fang Li, Tianpeng Huang, Feng Wu, Hui Yao, Dingzhen Liu. (2018). Vocal repertoire of free-ranging adult golden snub-nosed monkeys. Am J Primatol (In press). (

2. Xin Zhao, Dingzhen Liu. (2018). Aggression and plasma testosterone in response to encounters with receptive vs. non-receptive females in male golden hamsters. Can J Zool. (In press). (

3. Xue-Ying Zhang, Wei Shen, Dingzhen Liu, De-Hua Wang. (2018). Diversity of thermogenic capacity predicts divergent obesity susceptibility in a wild rodent. Obesity, 26: 111-118.

4. Jiao Zhu, Simona Arena, Silvia Spinelli, Dingzhen Liu, Guiquan Zhang, Rongping Wei, Christian Cambillau, Andrea Scaloni, Guirong Wang, Paolo Pelosi. (2017). Reverse chemical ecology: olfactory proteins from the giant panda and their interactions with putative pheromones and bamboo volatiles. PNAS, 114 (46): E9802-E9810.

5. Penglai Fan, Chanyuan Liu, Hongyi, Chen, Xuefeng Liu, Dapeng Zhao, Jinguo Zhang & Dingzhen Liu. (2017). Preliminary study on hand preference in captive northern white-cheeked gibbons (Nomascus leucogenys). Primates, 58: 75-82.

6. Kai Ma, Dingzhen Liu, Rongping Wei, Guiquan Zhang, Hao Xie, Yan Huang, Desheng Li, Hemin Zhang, Haigen Xu. (2016). Giant panda reintroduction: factors affecting public support. Biodiver Conser, 25: 2987-3004.

7. Ma, X., Jin, Y., Luo, B., Zhang, G., Wei, R. & Liu, D. (2015). Giant pandas failed to show mirror self-recognition. Anim Cognition, 18: 713-721.

8. Shen, W., Zhang, X.-Y., Liu, D.-Z. & Wang, D.-H. (2015). Hormones orchestrated pre- and post-copulatory sexual traits in male Mongolian gerbils. Physiol Behav, 143, 90-96.

9. Bian X, Liu D, Zeng H, Zhang G, Wei R & Hou R. (2013). Exposure to odors of rivals enhances sexual motivation in male giant pandas. Plos ONE, 8(8): e69889.

10.    Wang Yuting & Liu Dingzhen. (2013). Low incidence of miscarriage by the scent of male siblings of original mates: male kinship reduces the Bruce effect in female mice, Mus musculus. Plos ONE, 8(7): e68673.

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