Email: linkui@bnu.edu.cn
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主要研究内容:植物与微生物基因组分析:通过建立分析平台,对基因组/转录组数据进行组装、注释以及基因功能与进化分析,并建立起对应的组学数据库供相关研究者使用(主要与中国农科院黄三文研究员合作)。 大肠杆菌实验进化研究:利用全群体全基因组测序(whole-genome whole-population sequencing)方法研究在特定条件下大肠杆菌群体适应过程中基因组的变化动态(与生态所张大勇教授合作)。 基因组进化:基于特定进化生物学问题,开发、改进和应用计算方法,对全基因组序列进行比较分析,试图理解基因组水平上物种或者群体的进化历史。
1.Lin, K., Limpens, E., Zhang, Z.H, Ivanov, S., Saunders, DGO., Mu, D.S., Pang, E.L., Cao, H.F., Cha, H.H., Lin, T., Zhou, Q., Shang, Y., Li, Y., Sharma, T., Velzen, R.V., Ruijter, N., Aanen, D.K., Win, J., Kamoun, S., Bisseling, T., Geurts, R., Huang, S.W. (2014) Single Nucleus Genome Sequencing Reveals High Similarity among Nuclei of an Endomycorrhizal Fungus. PLoS Genet 10(1): e1004078. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1004078.
2.Zhang, Y. and Lin, K*. (2012) A phylogenomic analysis of Escherichia coli / Shigella group: implications of genomic features associated with pathogenicity and ecological adaptation. BMC Evolutionary Biology, doi:10.1186/1471-2148-12-174.
3.Li, Z., Zhang, Z.H., Yan, P.C., Huang, S.W., Fei, Z.j., and Lin, K*. (2011) RNA-Seq improves annotation of protein-coding genes in the cucumber genome. BMC Genomics, doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-12-540.
4.Pang, E.L. and Lin, K*. (2010) Yeast protein–protein interaction binding sites: prediction from the motif–motif, motif–domain and domain–domain levels. Molecular BioSystems, doi: 10.1039/C0MB00038H.
5.Lin, K., Zhang, D.Y. and He, F. (2009) Demographic trade-offs in a neutral model explains death rate-abundance rank relationship. Ecology, 90(1):31-38.