Email: guoyanping@bnu.edu.cn
主要研究内容:1. 植物分子系统学: 利用分子水平上的变异信息,结合植物的形态和地理分布信息,重建类群的系统发育,探讨它们的起源、演化和历史地理分布状况。 2. 植物物种形成:利用基因和基因组信息,结合人工杂交、同质种植和群体遗传学理论,探讨物种多样性形成的式样和机制,尤其关注多倍体物种形成、基因组演化。目前,已基于遗传背景清晰的若干菊科植物类群建立起了良好的研究体系,主要研究材料为菊科蓍草属 (Achillea) 植物。 3. 演化-发育生物学:在演化生物学的理论框架下,针对植物演化过程中的创新性状,采用发育生物学手段,研究表型变异的分子、遗传机制以及调控网络的演化。目前主要以菊科植物为材料,研究花序类型和叶形态多样性的多基因作用机制;同时,探讨异源多倍体中双亲亚基因组在表达和功能上的分化及其对表型的影响。
1、Ren J.-B., Guo Y.-P.* (2015) Behind the diversity: Ontogenies of radiate, disciform, anddiscoid capitula of Chrysanthemum and its allies. Journal of Systematics and Evolution doi: 10.1111/jse.12154.
2、Guo Y.-P., Tong X.-Y., Wang L.-.W, Vogl C. (2013) A population genetic model to infer allotetraploid speciation and long-term evolution applied to two yarrow species. New Phytologist 199: 609–621.
3、Li J., Wan Q., Guo Y.-P., Abbott R. J., Rao G.-Y. (2013) Should I stay or should I go: biogeographic and evolutionary history of a polyploid complex (Chrysanthemum indicum complex) in response to Pleistocene climate change in China. New Phytologist 201: 1031–1044.
4、Guo Y.-P.*, Wang S.-Z., Vogl C., Ehrendorfer F. (2012) Nuclear and plastid haplotypes suggest rapid diploid and polyploid speciation in the N Hemisphere Achillea millefolium complex (Asteraceae). BMC Evolutionary Biology 12: 2.
5、Ma J.-X., Li Y.-N., Vogl C., Ehrendorfe F., Guo Y.-P.* (2010). Allopolyploid speciation and ongoing backcrossing between diploid progenitor and tetraploid progeny lineages in the Achillea millefolium species complex: analyses of single-copy nuclear genes and genomic AFLP. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:100.
(*: author for correspondence)