Email: lj881204@gmail.com
主要研究内容:长期从事爬行动物学方面研究工作,目前主要开展如下领域的研究工作:1.针对爬行动物对于生境利用的研究,其中包括捕食者与被捕食者的关系、空间生态学以及温度调节的研究。2. 针对爬行动物食性以及觅食行为机制的研究。3. 针对爬行动物行为和生理特质关系的研究。 4. 针对两栖爬行动物分子系统发育以及分类学研究。
1. Juan Lei*, Nur Syuhaida Binti Yusof, Nicholas Wu, Zhengwang Zhang and David T. Booth. (2020) The Burrowing Ecology of a Tropical Lizard (Leiolepis belliana). Herpetologica. (2020年11月接收)
2. Juan Lei*, David T. Booth, Mohd Uzair Rusil, and Zhengwang Zhang(2020)Spatial Ecology of Asian Water Monitors Adjacent to a Sea Turtle Nesting Beach. Zoological Science. (2020年8月接收)
3. Mohd Uzair Rusil, Guannan Chen, David T. Booth, and Juan Lei* (2020). Diet preference and activity of Asian water monitor at Chagar Hutang turtle sanctuary. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. 15(6): 68-74.
4. Juan Lei* and David T. Booth (2018) Fine scale analysis of intraspecific and interspecific interactions in two monitor lizard populations adjacent to a turtle nesting beach. Austral Ecology. 43(8): 965-972
5. Juan Lei* and David T. Booth (2018) Intraspecific variation in space use of a coastal carnivorous scavenger, Varanus varius (Squamata: Varanidae) Australian Journal of Zoology. 65:398-407
6. Juan Lei*, David T. Booth and Ross G. Dwyer (2017) Spatial ecology of yellow-spotted goannas adjacent to a sea turtle nesting beach. Australian Journal of Zoology 65 2: 77-86.
7. Juan Lei* and David T. Booth (2017) Who are the important predators of sea turtle nests at Wreck Rock beach? PeerJ 5:e3515
8. Juan Lei* and David T. Booth (2017) How Best to Protect the Nests of Endangered Loggerhead Turtles? Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2017, 16(2): 246-249
9. Juan Lei* and David T. Booth (2017) How do goannas find sea turtle nests? Austral Ecology. 43 3: 309-315.
Juan Lei* and David T. Booth (2015) The use of GPS logging devices and camera traps to track goanna movement on and adjacent to a south east Queensland sea turtle rookery. In ‘Reef, Range and Red Dust Conference. 31st August – 2nd September 2015, Caloundra, QLD. (Ed. J. Gunn.) p. 7. (Queensland Water and Land Carers: Brisbane.)