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张正旺 教授
性别:男      出生年月:1962.8       职称:教授    
    国内外学术任职:国际鸟类联合会委员,IUCN鸡形目鸟类专家组成员,中国动物学会副理事长、鸟类学分会副理事长,国家湿地科学委员会委员。担任《Avian Research》、《生态学报》、《湿地科学》、《动物学杂志》等刊物的编委,Ibis、Journal of Ornithology、Zoological Science等刊物审稿人    
    博士:北京师范大学,1998 (在职)    
    Email: zzw@bnu.edu.cn    
主要工作经历:1987年7月研究生毕业后留校任教,从事动物学、保护生物学等课程的教学工作,先后担任助教、讲师、副教授、教授。1988年6月—1989年5月公派出国,在英国阿伯丁大学等单位作访问学者。1993 -1994年、2013-2014年两次赴我国南极长城站开展鸟类科学考察。现任生物多样性与生态工程教育部重点实验室副主任,北京师范大学生态学研究所副所长。

1. Ning Wang, Rebecca T. Kimball, Edward L. Braun, Bin Liang and Zhengwang Zhang*  Ancestral range reconstruction of Galliformes: the effects of topology and taxon sampling. Journal of Biogeography (2017) 44, 122–135.

2. Kayvanfar, Nasrin ; Aliabadian, Mansour ; Niu, Xiaoju ; Zhang, Zhengwang ; Liu, Yang  Phylogeography of the Common Pheasant Phasianus colchicus Ibis,  (2017)159(2),.430-442.

3. Chen D., Chang J., S.H. Li , Liu Y., Liang W., Zhou F., Yao C. T. & Zhang Z. W. (2015) Was the exposed continental shelf a long-distance colonization route in the ice age? The Southeast Asia origin of Hainan and Taiwan partridges Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 83:167–173.
4. Zhou C.F., Xu J.L. & Zhang Z.W. (2015) Dramatic decline of the Vulnerable Reeves’s pheasant Syrmaticus reevesii, endemic to central China. Oryx, 49(3), 529–534.
5. Chen D., Liu Y., DAVISON G. W. H., Dong L., Chang J., Gao S. H., Li. S. H. & Zhang Z.W. (2015) Revival of the genus Tropicoperdix Blyth 1859 (Phasianidae, Aves) using multilocus sequence data. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, doi: 10.1111/zoj.12273.
6. Li D.L, Ding Y. Q., Yuan Y., LLOYD H. & Zhang Z. W. (2014) Female tidal mud at crabs represent a critical food resource for migratory Red-crowned Cranes in the Yellow River Delta, China. Bird Conservation International,24 (4): 416-428 .
7. Li, J.Q., Liu, Y.Y., Wang Y. & Zhang Z. W. (2014) Extra-pair paternity in two sympatric Aegithalos tits: patterns and implications. Journal of Ornithology 155(1):83-90.
8. Gu L.Y., Liu Y. , Que P. J. & Zhang Z. W. (2013) Quaternary climate and environmental changes have shaped genetic differentiation in a Chinese pheasant endemic to the eastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 67 (2013) 129–139。
9. Li D. L., Chen S. H., Lloyd H. & Zhang Z. W. (2013) The importance of artificial habitats to migratory waterbirds within a natural/artificial wetland mosaic, Yellow River Delta, China . Bird Conservation International, 23(2): 184-198.
10. Wang N., Kimball R. T., Braun E. L. & Zhang Z. W. (2013) Assessing Phylogenetic Relationships among Galliformes: A Multigene Phylogeny with Expanded Taxon Sampling in Phasianidae. PLOS ONE 8(5): e64312.
11. Chang J., Chen D., Liang W., Li M. & Zhang Z.W. (2013) Molecular demographic history of the Hainan Peacock Pheasant (Polyplectron katsumatae) and its conservation implications. Chin Sci Bull, doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-5629-6.
12. Li J.Q,Lv L.,Wang Y.,Xi B. & Zhang Z.W. (2012) Breeding biology of two sympatric Aegithalos tits with helpers at the nest. Journal of Ornithology 153(2): 273-283.







北京师范大学版权所有 联系地址:北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号 北京师范大学生物多样性与生态工程教育部重点实验室 邮编100875